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Intellihot CEO to Deliver Keynote Address to the Clean Energy Entrepreneur Workshop in Seattle, August 9


Intellihot, a clean technology manufacturer that creates innovative, sustainable solutions for the built environment, today announced that the company’s founder and CEO, Sridhar Deivasigamani, will deliver the keynote address to an Entrepreneur Workshop at The Clean Energy Test Beds at Washington University in Seattle, Wash., on August 9.

The Clean Energy Entrepreneur Workshop is designed to bring together entrepreneurs, investors, university faculty, researchers, and students working on clean energy technologies, with industry members, think tanks, and investment groups from across the Western U.S. The Workshop is a program of the Clean Energy Institute (CEI), whose goal is to accelerate the adoption of a scalable and equitable clean energy future that will improve the health and economy of the State of Washington, the nation, and the world.

“Clean Energy Institute’s efforts in advancing next-generation solar energy, battery materials and devices, and helping to bring them to market, are inspiring,” said Mr. Deivasigamani. “Intellihot’s work in clean energy and sustainability for the built environment is a shared vision with CEI, and I look forward to presenting my insights.”

With Mr. Deivasigamani other event participants include Professor Dan Schwartz, director of UW’s Clean Energy Institute and Professor Devin MacKenzie, technical director of the Washington Clean Energy Testbeds. Three sessions of talks will cover cleantech business resources, hot trends in climate tech innovation, and the entrepreneur experience.
