With the treatment of flue gas desulphurization wastewater becoming mandatory in coal-fired plants, Prakash Govindan and Zhifeng Fan make the case for Carrier Gas Extraction as a cost-effective and performance-boosting solution
Flue gas desulphurization (FGD) wastewaters are produced at coal-fired power plants in increasing quantities as the regulation on air emissions is tightened worldwide.
Low cost and environmentally favorable reuse of this wastewater stream has become an important topic with the respective national and local regulatory bodies stipulating minimum treatment levels and standards.
Traditional technologies, which are otherwise used for concentration of saline streams, fail the economic and performance benchmark that needs to be met.
Carrier gas extraction (CGE) technology, which was specifically developed to handle high levels of contamination and variability in feed waters, is optimal for this application and offers the lowest cost solution within the required performance.
This article can be found HERE.